The BC Council of Marketing Boards
BC’s regulated marketing system is a government-legislated system that provides for the orderly production and marketing of certain agricultural commodities. Agricultural commodity boards, with government-appointed chairs, regulate each of the sectors. BC FIRB is responsible for the general supervision of BC’s agricultural commodity boards.
BC’s eight agricultural commodity boards that govern the regulated agri-foods sectors are:
BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission
BC Cranberry Marketing Commission
BC Vegetable Marketing Commission
The BC Council of Marketing Boards (COMB) is a board of directors with representatives from each of these commodity boards and commissions as its members. COMB provides services for its members such as conducting annual elections, Board and/or Chair effectiveness surveys, producer surveys, and coordination of meetings. It also oversees the coordination of the COGA professional development events (COGA Main Page).
The current directors of COMB are:
Beata Kunze (Chair) BC Broiler Hatching Egg Commission; Jack DeWit (Vice-Chair) – BC Cranberry Marketing Commission; Jon Krahn (Vice Chair) – BC Egg Marketing Board; Jeff Zonneveld – BC Milk Marketing Board;
Tyler McNaughton – BC Hog Marketing Commission; Randy Redekop – BC Turkey Marketing Board;
Carol Paulson – BC Chicken Marketing Board; Hugh Reynolds – BC Vegetable Marketing Commission.